Miyagi island, Okinawa Prefecture
Miyagi island, Okinawa Prefecture
また、シシに使用する衣装が身軽で装飾性が高く、はっきりとした獅子頭を持たないものとなった。 それぞれの衣装の特徴としては、船山が島の源である石灰岩で作られた珊瑚を削ってできた笛を鳴らした。工藤は珊瑚を首から垂らした飾りを身につけた。また、古布を結い、へその緒を作り出した。稲村は古布を被り、蔓を蒔き、貝の首飾りやイヤリングを身につけ、バナナの葉を尾のように腰にくくりつけた。
また、坂のある凸凹な道だったからこそ、シシの演舞と演舞を繋ぐ練り歩きの場面の歩き方は、蛇行したりステップを踏んだりとかなり変化に富んだものとなった。これは土地が持つ踏みしめる感覚や高低差などの多様性を象徴しているとも言える。 静かで小さな共同体とおおらかでどこまでも広がる海が共存した島だった。
Miyagi Island is located in the eastern part of Okinawa Prefecture, and is an island where old Okinawan lifestyles remain to this day, in contrast to urban lifestyles such as Naha City. These include traditional houses and customs to ward off evil spirits. The population is around 600 people, and it can be said that it is a community with the smallest population size among the past stays. I stayed here from May 29th to June 4th, 2023.
Shortly after our stay started, I went all over the island, taking walks and riding my bike. In addition, he deepened his understanding of local life while helping with mowing, roof painting, and carpentry work while interacting with residents. However, since Miyagi Island does not have anything symbolic, it was difficult to decipher the context of the land, and I had a hard time making Shishi.
The starting point for the idea of Shishi, which I created this time, was the restriction on the body. The intricate topography bound my body tightly, leading to writhing body movements. This led to the idea of Kudo binding Inamura with threads and strings.
In addition, the costumes used for Shishi were light and highly decorative, and did not have a clear lion head. As a feature of each costume, Funayama played a flute made by carving coral made from limestone, which is the source of the island. Kudo wore an ornament with coral hanging from his neck. He also tied old cloth and made an umbilical cord. Inamura wore an old cloth, planted vines, wore a shell necklace and earrings, and tied a banana leaf around his waist like a tail.
The actual performance was on June 3rd and 4th. On the 3rd, we danced around a residential area located in the center of Miyagi Island, and on the 2nd day, we held a beach called Mingi. Over the course of two days, the shishi gradually changed its shape, and a chameleon-like shishi that adapted to the environment appeared. This may represent the diversity of terrain and land contexts.
Also, precisely because the road was uneven with slopes, the way of walking in the parade that connects the performances of Shishi became quite varied, such as meandering and stepping. It can be said that this symbolizes the diversity of the land, such as the feeling of being stepped on and the difference in elevation. It was an island where quiet, small communities coexisted with a generous and endless sea.
Since it is a small and quiet community, many local residents would have been startled by the lion dance, but basically it would have been easier for them to accept it if they had announced it, and the chances of the lion dance being inhabited were high. On the other hand, due to the diversity of the land context, I felt that there was something unknown about its habitat. (May 29-June 4, 2023)