Shibuya Ward, Tokyo
Shibuya Ward, Tokyo
東京都渋谷区といえば、何を思い浮かべるだろうか ? スクランブル交差点、109 や H&M など の ファッション、ベンチャー企業、グラフィティ、ハロウィンの仮装 ...。この土地に伝統文 化が根付くことはなく、生まれては消える水泡のごとく常に流行が目まぐるしく変わる。住む 場所というよりは仕事場であり消費地という感覚も強い。
このような特性を持つ渋谷で、獅子舞を制作した。渋谷区に家を一軒一軒回る門付け型の獅子 舞は存在しておらず、その生息可能性は極めて低い。それでもあえて、その生息可能性を考え たいのだ。新しいタイプの獅子舞を生み出せるのではないか ? という期待とともに、渋谷の街 に降り立った。2022 年 8 月 13 日〜17 日の期間、100BANCH を拠点として滞在制作を実施した。
今回制作した獅子舞はファッションを身に纏うこと、化粧をすることなどが、獅子を被る行為 と同じである等の解釈を元に制作を行った。また舞場を選定してそこで音を流し舞うという、 スイッチのオンオフがはっきりと分かれた獅子舞となった。また扇子を広げて舞場の領域を規 定、あるいは拡張させたいような気持ちも生まれた。3 人のメンバーがお互いの感覚を読み合 いながら、舞場がくると音を鳴らしたり手をあげたりして合図を出して獅子舞を始めた。この 手法は空間の余白に対して敏感で意識的になるため、真の意味での「獅子舞生息可能性」を空 間的に確かめるための手法を確立できたとも言える。
渋谷での獅子舞は途中何回も休憩を必要としたが、結局演舞の時間はたったの 2 時間ほどだっ た。 秋田県五城目町では合計 5 時間くらいは 1 日で舞い続けていた気がするので、疲労が来 るのが早かった。その疲労感はアスファルトを踏んでも土の様に上手く反応が帰ってこないこ とや、音が響かずに人混みに吸い込まれて消えていく感覚から来るようにも感じていて、自分 の体内にエネルギーが注入されずに空っぽになっていく感覚とも近いように感じた。とにかく 渋谷は強敵だ。全国を探してもこれほど獅子舞が舞いにくい町は少ないだろう。(2022年8月13日~ 17 日)
When you think of Shibuya, Tokyo, what comes to mind? The scramble crossing, fashion such as 109 and H&M, venture companies, graffiti, Halloween costumes... Traditional culture does not take root in this land, and fashions are constantly changing like bubbles that are born and disappear. There is a strong sense that it is a place of work and consumption rather than a place to live.In Shibuya, which has such characteristics, we produced a lion dance. There is no gate-attached lion dance that goes from house to house in Shibuya Ward, so the possibility of its inhabitation is extremely low. Even so, I dare to think about the possibility of its survival. Hoping to create a new type of lion dance, I landed on the streets of Shibuya. During the period from August 13th to 17th, 2022, 100BANCH was used as a base for residency production.
The lion dance I produced this time was based on the interpretation that wearing fashion and makeup is the same as wearing a lion. In addition, it was a lion dance with a clear switch on and off, where the dance was selected and the sound was danced there. It also gave rise to the desire to extend the folding fan to define or expand the domain of the dance hall. While reading each other's senses, the three members started the lion dance by making sounds and raising their hands when the stage came. Since this method makes us sensitive and conscious of the margins of the space, it can be said that we have established a method for spatially confirming the true meaning of the “possibility of shishimai inhabitation.”
One of the factors behind the lion dance, which has a clear on/off switch, is the premise that there are very few spaces in Shibuya where lion dances can be performed. Also, there were too many people walking in Shibuya, so I felt intense stares, and I couldn't dance for a long time because of the mental fatigue that came with it. It was difficult to get into a trance state where my consciousness was removed because I was swallowed up by the atmosphere. There were equipment troubles with the sound source, and there were scenes where we stopped and talked because there was no dance hall, and we could not carry out the performance smoothly in a series of flow. Anyway, I'm still overwhelmed by the environment.
The shishimai in Shibuya required many breaks during the performance, but in the end, the performance lasted only about two hours. In Gojome Town, Akita Prefecture, I think I danced for a total of five hours in one day, so fatigue came quickly. I feel that this feeling of fatigue comes from the fact that even when I step on the asphalt, the reaction does not come back as well as the soil, and the feeling of being sucked into the crowd without sound and disappearing, and I feel that energy is in my body. I felt that it was close to the feeling of being empty without being injected. Anyway, Shibuya is a formidable enemy. Even if you search all over the country, there are few towns where lion dances are so difficult to dance. (August 13-17, 2022)